Packaging Design

What are the 3 types of packaging?

There are 3 levels of packaging: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
Secondary Packing
The packaging used to ship products already in primary packaging.
Its main goals are to protect products and provide branding during shipping.
It's also used as display packaging in retail locations such as grocery stores.

What are the 7 functions of packaging?

The Seven Functions of Packaging
Attract Buyers Attention.
Protect goods inside the packaging.
Be easy to open and use.
Describe and give info about contents.
Explain the benefits of the good inside.
Provide warranty, warnings, and consumer matter information.
Give value, price, and use indication.

Is packaging design important?

The product packaging design plays a very important role in branding your items in the retail environment. One thing that should be noted is that the 'catchier' the design is, the more audiences it will attract. A good packaging will also enable you to differentiate the products from your competitors

How can I improve my packaging design?

8 Tips To Improve Your Product Packaging
Understand your target market. 
Choose packaging that makes sense for the physical product. 
Make it clear what you are selling. 
Make the packaging easy to open. 
Consider what It will look like In stores. 
Create a versatile package design. 
Choose an appropriate material. 
Invest in quality design elements.

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