Book Design

What does a book designer do?

A book designer creates the cover and visual designs for a published book. This is a big task involving creativity most of all, but also an understanding of the content of the book, and even some business skills.

How do you find a book designer?
Other good places to ask for leads and referrals for book designers are your writing group or critique group, writing conferences, and online writing forums and discussion groups. You can also find other books with a design that you like and see if you can track down the book designer

How do you design a logo?

How to Design a Business, Company, or Personal Logo
Start With Your Story. 
Brainstorm Words That Describe Your Brand. 
Sketch Ideas Based on These Words. 
Test Your Top Sketches With Your Buyer Persona. 
Refine Your Chosen Sketch. 
Develop Your Logo's Layout on a Free Design Platform. 
Pick Versatile Color Options. 
Choose a Font.

Is Book Creator free?
With Book Creator One you can create 1 book for free. When you're ready to make more books you can upgrade to unlimited books through a simple in-app purchase. The free version is great for trying out Book Creator before purchasing it

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